Shirts for charity

I am about to order new merch really, really soon, but in the meantime check out the "Shirts for charity" at the merchandise page. After a very long time some lost tourshirts have made their way home, to be sold at a really low price where all the money will go to charity.

The story: We ordered more merch while on the roads and one package was delievered to the wrong address! The stupid Swedish delievery firm fucked up the zip code manually and shipped it very far from Münich where we were waiting for it. We never got hold of it during the tour, and when they finally shipped it right they never cared about getting it back to Sweden. Not surprising concerning our history with this delievery firm who fucked up ALL our merch for the tour with Dillinger Escape Plan in England 2002.

Anyway, the package was waiting at the club until Victims happened to pass by, so they picked it up and brought to their rehearsal room in Nyköping. About a month ago or so, Jon brought the package to his appartment in Stockholm and now they are finally back in Örebro. It's been a long trip for these t-shirts!

Check out the merchandise page for more details.


The complete biography of Nasum covering the entire history of the band, from the early years to the end of band in 2004... And a slight addition of the 2012 Farewell return. To the biography


The definite guide to the Nasum discography with lots of photos of every release, along with all possible information and comments written by Nasum's Anders Jakobson. To the discography


Nasum remembers former lead singer, guitarist, song writer and producer Mieszko A. Talarczyk with eulogies, pictures and more. Includes Mieszko's own words about the "Helvete" recording. To the In Memory of Mieszko page


A complete run down of each and every show Nasum performed from the first one in 1995 to the final stage appearences in 2012. To the showarchive


Lyrics to all Nasum songs, organized release by release. To the Lyrics

T-shirt History

A gallery of most of the official and Nasum produced t-shirts. To the T-shirt history